Prayer Line

This ministry is an ongoing opportunity for members to pray for others in the privacy of their own homes.  A list of those who have expressed the need for intercessory prayer is maintained by the Coordinator, and this list is distributed to all members of the Prayer Line.  As new requests are made, each member is notified immediately so that prayer can be offered effectively and in a most timely manner.  As prayers are no longer needed for a particular person or need, this information is also passed on to all members of the ministry.

All who would like to devote themselves to praying for others who may be ill or in need of sincere prayer are most welcome.  There is no age limit to membership. Prayer requests are shared via email, so one's participation in the Prayer Line ministry is as simple as opening that email and adding the request to your daily prayer. All requests are held in strict confidence, and Prayer Line ministers are asked to maintain this confidence.

When brought before the Lord, blind Bartimaeus was asked by Jesus, "What do you want me to do for you?" "I want to see" he replied. Jesus wanted Bartimaeus to ask before Jesus gave what he know Bartimaeus wanted and needed. Those requesting prayer, for whatever reason, are asked to get in touch with the Parish Office, the Prayer Line Coordinator, or if known, a member of the ministry. No intention will be posted without knowledge or permission of the person who, for whom a request is made. The person's name, and ideally, the specific prayer need will be gathered and distributed to all on the Prayer Line. The person asking for prayer, but reluctant to share the specifics of his/her need, is still being prayer for by members of this great ministry.


Elaine Medeiros